Joy D. Void-Holmes, DHSc, BSDH, RDH

Joy D. Void-Holmes, DHSc, BSDH, RDH has been in the dental field for over 27 years, twenty of those as a highly engaged and well-known RDH in the Washington Metropolitan area. As a native Washingtonian, Dr. Void-Holmes graduated from Howard University in 1997 as President of her class. She immediately went on to receive her Bachelor of Science in dental hygiene from the University of Maryland, Dental School, a Masters of Health Science from Nova Southeastern University with a concentration in Forensic Investigative Science, and a Doctor of Health Science from Nova Southeastern University with a focus on education in health care. She is currently a full-time faculty member at Fortis College in Landover, MD, where she teaches preclinical instrumentation, nutrition, biochemistry, community health, and manages senior clinics. Dr. Void-Holmes also serves as a Consultant Examiner for the CDCA, SRTA, and CITA examination boards. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her family and supporting her children in their various extracurricular activities. Volunteering at the local boys and girls club and serving in executive board positions and collaborative administrative roles fulfills her need to be involved in the community she loves. Dr. Void-Holmes lives in Maryland with her husband and four children.