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Alice Horowitz, RDH, MA, Ph.D.

Alice Horowitz, RDH, MA, Ph.D.

Dr. Alice M. Horowitz Research Associate Professor, School of Public Health, University of Maryland A health educator, Dr. Horowitz formerly was a senior scientist, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Health (NIDCR), National Institutes of Health (NIH). She earned her RDH, BA and her MA from the University of Iowa and her PhD from the University of Maryland. She worked in dental caries prevention and early detection in the National Caries Program, NIDR. While at the NIDCR she organized the Consensus Development Conference, on Pit and Fissure Sealants and co-organized one on Dental Caries Diagnosis and Management. Dr. Horowitz was instrumental in initiating the need to address health literacy in dentistry and was one of the authors of the first NIH Program Announcement addressing health literacy. She organized the NIDCR’s workshop on oral health literacy and co-authored the resultant findings. Currently she is a Co-Chair of the Education/health literacy Sub-Committee of the Maryland Dental Action Coalition.She served on a recent Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) panel, Advancing Oral Health in America and has contributed several invited presentations to the IOM’s Round Table on Health Literacy. She has published over 130 scientific papers and book chapters and is the recipient of several awards. Dr. Horowitz conceptualized, designed and conducted the study, Health Literacy Environmental Scans of Community-based Dental Clinics in Maryland